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Medical records error
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Posted 11/7/2024 13:17 (#10956901 - in reply to #10956655)
Subject: RE: Medical records error

Thumb of Michigan
Waterlooiowa - 11/7/2024 10:47

I had a doctor switch me from one painkiller to another and they both show up on my charts at other doctors. It is easier said than done, even if you haven't had a prescription filled for the old pill for years.

Old records don't every completely disappear. Think of a computer backup that happened last week, before they updated your record, The old info will still exist, even at a different medical/doctor's office. A bad thing about computers (the backups).

Maybe you will have to be pro-active and cover this 'problem' with every medical occurrence going forward, in a respectful way. Perhaps a written statement from your family doctor even.
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