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Travel and carnivore diet
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   Forums List -> Kitchen TableMessage format
Posted 11/3/2024 17:51 (#10950773 - in reply to #10950718)
Subject: RE: Picture and contents of the sandwich

John Burns - 11/3/2024 17:22

Thanks for the link.

The Meat Mountain was really good. The only downside for a ketogenic or carnivore diet is the two chicken strips have breading. They taste great but the breading does add some carbs and flour for people trying to avoid those two things. But the rest of the sandwich minus the bun is a really good meal for a carnivore or keto style of eating. I think it has every different kind of meat and cheese that Arby's offers on sandwiches.

It filled me up eating everything except the bun and one of the two chicken strips. Wife ate about 2/3 of her sandwich and brought the rest back to the house for later. It is a little more, both money and amount of food, than we need just for a lunch but we both really liked the variety of meats. I am sure we will do it again.

As a bonus, it did not seem to bother my wifes bathroom situation like eating just the regular roast beef usually does. A good sign.

Edit: 58 grams carbs if you eat it all with the bun. My estimation would be without the bun but eating the chicken strips maybe around 25 grams carbs. Today's will not be my last one!

That’s exactly what happens to my wife with bread . She was tested for ( celiac ? Disease ) did not have that but they said she was intolerant of gluten. I might not have that exactly right but I’m close .
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