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Beef tallow
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   Forums List -> Kitchen TableMessage format
Posted 10/30/2024 22:58 (#10945330 - in reply to #10937530)
Subject: RE: Beef tallow

My grandmother and my mother always rendered tallow. Home buttchered beef the tallow got cooked to liquid state. Then run thrua lard press. Cracklings smelled good enuf to eat right then.
Liquid was cooked again with proper amount of lie then poured into shallow pans to harden into only soap we had. The hard cooled soap was cut into chunks and my job was to run thru cheese grater and that was put in cloth bag and put in Maytag wringer washer for weekly wash. Washed most all loads in same water,,, that’s where we acquired our skin boils from. Soap and clothes stunk like lye.
Went canoeing in northern Arkansaw close by Mountain Home. There was a guy making. The best lye soap ever in this antique display. He cooked it twice and brought out the collagen in the soap which smelled wonderful and left a slick lotion type feeling on your skin.
Wish I had the recipe cause jt was that good.
In commercial store bought soap they harvest the colagen between cookings because that is worth much more than the soap c load
Dont know why they didnt do it that way further north but all they did was the shortcut method that burned the eyes so!
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