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N. Missouri or possible NW Ill. deer problem?
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Posted 10/30/2024 08:57 (#10944154)
Subject: N. Missouri or possible NW Ill. deer problem?

Good friends farm around Unionville, Mo may have been hit by EHD on the deer herd. Going out this Sunday to check things out. Usually stay and hunt for a week. BUT, Im reaching out to anyone in North Missouri/maybe NW/Central Ill on possibility of allowing me to get a few days in to hunt IF it does indeed bad with EHD on his farm. From Michigan, own a small 140 acres farm in MI, lease it to a local I have all the respect to ones land. Missouri Im good with license and will take a doe if presented, Ill Im not sure on license for out state, looks like it depends on what county? Thanks for your time. Please text or call me, 9eight9-390-two528. or respond to post and I can email you etc..
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