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Thank you to soybean producers!
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Posted 10/28/2024 19:54 (#10942177)
Subject: Thank you to soybean producers!

Virginia, Northern Neck
Follow-up to a previous post:

As a soybean consumer, I personally thank our soybean farmers, sincerely, for all you do!

We are a soybean culture - without soybeans for animal feed, we would have a lot less food to eat.

Without soybeans as a chemical feedstock, we would have a lot less of everything else.

My grandparents (both sides) made their way to North America at the end of the 1800s.

They were from eastern Europe, and growing up, they ate a small piece of meat or chicken, once a week if they were lucky.

They survived miserable winters eating rotten cabbage and potatoes, and somehow they lived and reproduced.

They risked everything to arrive in the U.S. and Canada, and no one has been hungry since then (except for a few weight-watchers).

I still remember my grandparents, thanking God before every meal, for having enough to eat.

At age 73, I am slowing down and losing strength.

I know for a fact how blessed I was to be well-fed and strong during my early years and throughout my adulthood.

There is a simple reason why the rest of the world risks their lives to make it to the U.S. and Canada.

We have plenty of food!

Most of the agricultural workers in my county, and the surrounding counties, came here from southern Mexico.

They earn more here in a day than they earn in a 7-day week working in Mexico, and they can afford to feed their families well.

They buy up the old frame houses on small acreages, and the broken-down trailers on the dirt roads, and they raise their children, and livestock, and live the American dream.

I just hope we can keep it all working, and continue to produce more food than we can eat.

If anyone cares, dear wife and I have already voted the straight Republican ticket.

What truly matters is that we keep on producing a food surplus.

In my humble opinion, nothing else is more important.

Thank you again, to the soybean producers, for keeping us fully fed!

And thank you also, for everyone else for making North America the most prosperous and well-fed civilization in the history of the world.

Just please keep those soybeans coming, our food surplus depends on you!
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