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IQ Water System
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Posted 10/13/2024 23:32 (#10925755 - in reply to #10924913)
Subject: RE: IQ Water System

Yes, we can set up a system that can handle that volume of water. The IQ unit does not inject anything into the water. It is just a system that the water travels through. The largest daily use system that IQ currently treats over 150,000 gallons per day. This farmer removed their peroxide system and replaced it with IQ, this has saved them over $25,000 annually in just peroxide cost alone.
Just over 2 years ago I had water issues myself, and heard about IQ from a German friend. It has increased my production and health of the heard and saved me thousands. Im hoping to help other farmers, because I'm sure most dairy supply companies don't want farmers to quit buying their peroxide systems.

Let me know if you have any other questions,
Thanks, Tim
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