| Picked about 15000 bu off corn each fall with a 2 mh picker then a 234 piicker.Used a stan hoist elevator to the two 1500 bu cribs.Used a couple off stan hoist 200 bu wagons to haul with.Had to let thehopper down an back up to the elevator.zPut about 10000 bu on the ground an ground ear corn all winter for the cattle.That stan hoist elevator was very versatile.Could elevate ear corn as well as shelled corn to a grain bin.Also hauled square bales in the upstairs off the barn.It was a bear to crank up though.Your arm really got a workout.Shelled corn out off the crib in the summertime when it was 100 degrees.Scooping corn in the sheller gave you quite a workout.Stayed in shape with all the hardwork involved.Thanks for bringing back the memories.
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