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Shifting Guidance lines from planter pass JD Guidance
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Posted 9/24/2024 16:21 (#10903182 - in reply to #10899610)
Subject: RE: Shifting Guidance lines from planter pass JD Guidance

AutoPath (boundaries) was launched to production earlier this year with the 24-1 Gen4/G5 display software update and is a great solution for what you're trying to do. AutoPath (boundaries) creates full-field guidance plans for the headlands and field passes. The headland tracks and field tracks can be shifted to enable splitting previous rows, and that shift can be made on the display or in Operations Center.

A couple resources that might be helpful (the videos are all the display features, but you can do much of this in Land on the web, screenshot above)
AutoPath Boundaries Overview

Shifting of AutoPath

Align to Boundary

Edited by KevinSeidl 9/24/2024 16:24
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