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Ag leader versa dry strip till control module on a soil warrior, rate senor signal not detected
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Posted 9/22/2024 14:19 (#10900388 - in reply to #10900367)
Subject: RE: Ag leader versa dry strip till control module on a soil warrior, rate senor signal not detected

Im pretty new to this stuff, i did have this issue last fall also and after a half a day of jiggleing wires it eventually started to work again. I thought it was maybe a bad conection but they all look good i will attach pictures of their componets

(093E6BB0-B3B1-4B9B-B8BE-EE70201091AA (full).jpeg)

(27D5E179-E09C-42CB-AF66-9C8C9FB9F9FC (full).jpeg)

(image (full).jpg)

Attachments 093E6BB0-B3B1-4B9B-B8BE-EE70201091AA (full).jpeg (116KB - 28 downloads)
Attachments 27D5E179-E09C-42CB-AF66-9C8C9FB9F9FC (full).jpeg (130KB - 27 downloads)
Attachments image (full).jpg (95KB - 25 downloads)
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