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Apache Sprayer w/ Raven Viper 4
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Triticum Agricolam
Posted 9/18/2024 13:54 (#10895167 - in reply to #10894132)
Subject: RE: Apache Sprayer w/ Raven Viper 4

Eastern Washington State
With the help of Dave at Apache I was able to get this figured out. Here was the problem in case anyone else runs into this.

When I reconfigured the Hawkeye system I checked the box for fence row nozzles, since my sprayer has those. That turns out to be have been the wrong thing to do. Because I have a separate switch box, that is what controls the fence row nozzles. When I enabled them in the Hawkeye config it caused a fuse to blow. The fuse was underneath the cover next to the seat under another circuit board. I would have never found it if Dave hadn't told me where to look. I replaced the fuse the reconfigured Hawkeye leaving the fence row nozzles box unchecked and everything is good now.
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