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MN ideally. Salvage yard with older JD disc parts.
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Posted 9/14/2024 01:32 (#10889619)
Subject: MN ideally. Salvage yard with older JD disc parts.

So auction where stuff went cheap. I went to look at other stuff. It was broken casting, but looked like all parts, and new casting. At scrap price I bought. 4 truck tires mounted last month, new hoses for lifting cylinders alone worth that.
Well I laid parts out. This guy was like me. His new part is for the other side. ;). I figure new from JD it might cost more than I paid for it. *drove home +40mph one axle got hot, put oil in, it cooled fine. +70 miles
So I need the cast piece from frame to bearing pack for right wing. Who had a salvage central MN? Or to South MN?
Also while a couple new blades with. The old ones the center square is rounded. Is it worth fixing? How bad to weld? Or just weaken it. I found one cast spacer between discs cracked. Again use it? It’s $45 aftermarket I think.
Of course salvage yard. Might get a bunch of stuff. *I thought I checked and everything but springs, 7 1/2x 4” grade 5 bolts, few keys, minor bolts missing. But neglected to see one cast *tower* from bar to bearing on gang faces the wrong way on pallet of parts. *maybe why they did not fix*. ;)

Edited by Larry_minn 9/14/2024 01:38

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