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Sell steers as freezer beef or sell at auction as feeders
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Posted 9/12/2024 17:45 (#10888208 - in reply to #10884584)
Subject: RE: Sell steers as freezer beef or sell at auction as feeders

Driftless SW Wisconsin

As far as "making money", that's exactly why I've gone through this and changing my operation as I've outlined. Even though, like many of us, I have a small operation I do look at it as a business, a pleasurable and tasty one.

I am used to the regular comments about Herefords. I have no interest in using any other bulls to chase a few cents at the sale barn. BTDT. I'm sticking with my very high marbling and calving ease EPDs and docile registered Hereford bulls and a retained son every so often.

As far as selling by the pound vs selling quarters (split halves), halves or wholes, I think that is a location thing. I am sure I could sell those easily if I wanted to sell towards Madison. I choose to sell local and many of my customers don't have the cash nor freezer space. I also have a good working relationship with my small family owned processor and don't want to burden him. It's been simple and we both like the way we've worked together.

Selling most steers off of grass at the sale barn and selling bred heifers as breeding stock also is less physical work. I am a couple weeks out of knee replacement surgery, going well, but looking to simplify my system. With last year's drought I sold down quite a bit, now building back up with a  new plan. Had more heifers than bull calves this past spring, on cue.

This has been a good discussion in several ways. Thanks for the constructive replies.

Edited by Jim 9/12/2024 17:46
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