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Miami cops detain NFL player before game
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Posted 9/11/2024 16:04 (#10886686 - in reply to #10886211)
Subject: RE: 100+ in a 40 with no license = no problem

west central Iowa
There is a very significant difference between going 20 over and going 60 over, you should be able to understand that. As I have said before police officers are supposed to deescalate not escalate situations. Police are not supposed to let their emotions get away for them and lose their temper and take it out on a suspect, because they are just suspects until proven guilty. Someone else said the cops knew who it was. As I also said if the cop would have continued to walk away instead of freaking out about the window and wrote out the ticket it probably would have ended without incident. As I also said police need to earn our respect, there are many out there that don't. I have a great amount of respect for good law officers, but bad ones are the worst kind of criminal because they do what they do under the color of law.

Slamming a father to the ground in front of his son for the great crime of taking a walk, now that's a good cop and there are many more worse examples on YouTube. You'll probably say the father should have identified and given up his 4th amendment rights,but I think we need to be able to exercise our rights without being slammed and arrested by a cop. It's interesting that another poster put down the football player, but his tag line talks about standing up for our rights or losing them.
Have you looked at the short video I posted of an actual police officer. He is highly critical of the cops in Florida and I'm sure he has many more years of experience than us.
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