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Miami cops detain NFL player before game
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paul the original
Posted 9/11/2024 08:51 (#10886211 - in reply to #10885876)
Subject: RE: 100+ in a 40 with no license = no problem

southern MN
801486 - 9/10/2024 22:00

John Burns - 9/10/2024 21:10

If what Denninger said about it is correct he was driving over 100 in a 40 mph zone without a license.

The article you listed didn't provide many details.

Cops surely must be racist.*********

They would just pat me on the back and let me go since I am white.*******

The police say 60

That seems to be ok with you?

Driving without a license is fine also?

It’s all the ‘bad’ cops fault. They should have just asked for the immature child’s autograph and wished him a good day? Altho I’m not sure how they should have known who he was, if he didn’t have his license?

No concern for others, or some respect and order in society, or safety. Just cops = bad. We all should just act how we want and not give a fig about anyone else.

That is your message.

Not even mad at you about it.

Just sad that this is where society is at.

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