Hastings, Florida | 801486 - 9/10/2024 15:51 Cops are supposed to be public servants. They have no right to retaliate to attitude or disrespect. Taxpayers are the ones that pay for cops bad behavior to the tune of $12,000,000 in lawsuit damages paid last year in Phoenix alone. If someone can't take a little disrespect they have no business being a police officer. There are thousands maybe millions of videos out there showing bad cops violating people's rights, injuring, or even killing people and many of those people were completely innocent, even someone that's guilty shouldn't be beaten and abused while they are in handcuffs and defenseless. There are several videos out there where people cuffed behind their back are slammed head first in to the pavement resulting in serious probably permanent head injuries.
Never been involved in Law Enforcement . have you?
Edited by Jbatmick 9/10/2024 15:26