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Do's and Dont's buying oil pipe for fence around the acreage.
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Posted 9/10/2024 13:01 (#10885181 - in reply to #10884536)
Subject: RE: Do's and Dont's buying oil pipe for fence around the acreage.

Jon - 9/9/2024 20:49

cows-n-crops - 9/9/2024 16:24

olivetroad - 9/9/2024 15:51

We drive the pipe posts instead of digging a hole and having to backfill. At least in our dirt, they last and last. We have never felt the need to use concrete either. I pulled out several thousand feet of that type of pipe fence at a closed feedlot years ago. About half was concreted in place, and half was directly driven in the ground. It was all just as stout and straight.

I have installed some continuous fence panels around my lots and I did not use a toprail. They work great by themselves.

If you are going through a wooded area, I always use a top rail and it's worth it to keep trees and limbs off the fence.

I'd agree. Sure wouldn't mess with digging a hole, pouring concrete or adding a top rail.

But he is in Iowa, so probably doesn't have the orange tiger $h!+ clay like we do in Misery.

Local fence builder told me once, who needs concrete when we have the best tamping/packing material around - clay!!!

What do you two fine fellers use for drivers? Skid steer drivers seem to be expensive. Thanks

Trackhoe is the best.

Pounded a lot with the JD7420 and bucket loader.

When it's wet out, the first few feet go really easy.
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