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EV's are becoming disposable much like phones, tablets and computer
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Original Greaser Bob
Posted 9/9/2024 23:23 (#10884652 - in reply to #10884256)
Subject: RE: Just the stupidity of our gov. pushing something on the people. nt

Altoona, WI
The government "pushing" EVs on the people will result in the overblown F.U.D. (Fear, Uncertainty, & Deceit) demonstrated in that video to resolve itself. Portions of the F.U.D. were accurate. Damage to the battery will result in the car being totaled by insurance companies. Once EVs become mainstream, repair costs, battery replacements, and parts availability will no longer be a problem. And to be honest, if I had a Tesla get totaled out by an insurance company, I would buy it back from them and put it up for sale. Wrecked Teslas bring BIG money. The undamaged parts are highly valued by repair shops and custom builders who like to put the electric drivetrain in old cars.

As for Tesla limiting parts to repair shops, yes that is true. But let's not forget that our beloved John Deere is also guilty of the "we are going to be the only ones to fix that" scheme. Like John Deere, Tesla was sued and lost, and also like John Deere, they are still doing everything they can to stall and make life miserable for non-company repair men.
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