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Any frost this morning?
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2 full time jobs
Posted 9/9/2024 21:12 (#10884450 - in reply to #10884380)
Subject: RE: Any frost this morning?

North Central Indiana
As you can see it rarely frost in Ames in September but when it does it would appear to possibly have a corelation to a full moon. Most years it is going to frost for the first time at Ames in October due to seasonal changes it is only marking the first frost of the year not every frost day of the year.the first frost could happen before the full moon in October some years. This in no way means the full moon definitely causes a frost. It also however does not prove that it does not cause a higher chance of frost as some are saying. This is one town's data points there is in no way enough data listed to prove the theory either way. I was just pointing out why I do not think this chart proves that there is no way the full moon can cause a early frost as some were stating.
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