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I need to run water to flower garden and strawberries.
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Posted 9/8/2024 17:13 (#10882871 - in reply to #10882849)
Subject: RE: I need to run water to flower garden and strawberries.

central - east central Minnesota -

footballjunkie - 9/8/2024 16:50 We currently run garden hose which is a pain in the butt due to distance. The plan is to tee off 1.25 inch poly water line at existing hydrant and run line to the garden. Is there any way I can avoid using expensive hydrants? I plan on using four one inch hydrants but am open to other options. Location is northern Indiana.

Why ?  Just do it right so it doesn't freeze and give other issues down the road. You can cobble together a shut off by running the HDPE to the surface and other ways too - but there's chances of freezing and have to blow it out (so allow for shut off and blow out line - which cost money). I'd just do it right and use a hydrant . .  .. I'd also do a street valve shut off (expensive) at the new tee by existing hydrant while I'm down there . . . ..

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