Scottville, 49454 Northwest Michigan | I'm surprised a bit, that you're able to get 200 bushel corn yields with potassium levels that low. In a way, it is impressive that you can do that. Don't think I could hit 200 bushel corn with 100 PPM of potassium, and only a 1 percent base saturation of potassium.
Suggestion.... if all your other nutrients are at good levels and at balanced levels.... try applying in a few areas enough potassium to get your K up to 4% base saturation. My calculations show that would be a need for 1200 pounds of potash. That's a lot. Thus, my suggestion to only try it in a few places. Probably will have to wait a couple years to assess if that much potash proved to be profitable and able to give a sufficient ROI. But I'm not sure you can know if you truly need a base saturation of K at 4% on your farm, without running some tests. Try to find out for sure, one-way-or-the-other.
gordon |