Wisconsin | lowcop - 9/7/2024 06:32
The more guns at any cost folks seem to really like dreaming up wild scenarios. How about focusing on a real case, such as the GA school shooting, with actual events?
And the gun control folks like to bring up isolated incidents to make end runs around the constitution, like assault weapons bans, import bans, red flag laws, etc. etc. etc.
Law should be based on broad principles, in view of the constitution. And regulations should be based on legislated law, with view of the constitution, NOT deference to bureaucrats. The ridiculousness of suing gun makers is possibly the greatest current threat to the second amendment. The logical response to that would be eliminating the import bans, and eliminating licensing for gun makers. If every one of us can make guns, and a lot of us can these days, then a big city politician suing a gun maker out of business goes away.
Making gun control policy based on school shootings is about like using Norway as your example when liberals talk about how superior, or "green" Europe, or Scandinavia is compared to the US. If that's your argument and Norway is all you got, you have no credibility. If school shootings is your best gun control argument, you also have no credibility. |