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Culvert strength
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Posted 9/6/2024 13:57 (#10880388 - in reply to #10879213)
Subject: RE: Culvert strength

NE Indiana
We have a 48" dual wall culvert that only has maybe 18"-2' of cover on it and we have crossed it many times with a 1000 bushel grain cart and never even seen it move at all. Big difference though between 1250 floaters and 11r22.5 semi tires. But grain cart is just 2 tires so most all the weight of the cart is on in while crossing. A semi and tanker should spread the weight out enough between axles to not be so bad. My opinion is as long as it's been installed for a while, and all settled out it should handle the first trip across. Then inspect it and see if you can see where it smashed any. If it smashed even a tiny bit, I don't think I would continue crossing it.

Edited by kgbarnett22 9/6/2024 13:59
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