coast of Maine | Here there are no termites,I use a termite service in Georgia.Up here we have very few insect issues but the usual rats /mice.We use the top and bottoms of 55 gallon drums,split into 1/3's,chuck the center.See the ultra cool sharp drawing,,then we use bait from QC supply(out west somewhere) and the soft tasty chews are best.They work in these cans as are dog proof.We have over a dozen at the main farm,last near forever til the snow plow gets one.I think a service here would be way expensive.The FSMA rules demand we have checks for bait once per WEEK.and record it,if its eaten or not..Me thinks the service would cost us thousands.Plan is to get a fake rat and tie to the can so the ladies whom check bait scream like mad....hehhehe
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