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Is it ok to install a culvert so it will hold water?
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Posted 9/5/2024 16:22 (#10879753 - in reply to #10879605)
Subject: RE: Is it ok to install a culvert so it will hold water?

Get a piece of 15 or18", green solid or black corrugated, and do it right. Make it drain down hill, slope the sides back even if it's more dirt than you think you want to move. I can't even count the number of 8" pipes my Dad put in that I've replaced in my lifetime. Any time he went to the junk yard, he'd drag home some piece of too small pipe thinking he was doing good. Well, he didn't and your not going to. 8" will silt in, in no time, then you have nothing. Why would you want it to hold water? Either you have a big wet slop hole, or it dries up and weeds grow up in it. Do stuff like you want your grandkids to have it, not half ass
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