Stearns County, Minnesota | Jeff in ND - 9/5/2024 09:52 SE Kandiyohi county. For sure it varies with the area. The middle section of the county is swampy and the northern end dry with some irrigation. This area on the border of the swampy parts, ha. If not for tile and ditches it would be 1/2 cattails yet. Talking with the renter is one reason to ask here for any sources of info. I did find out its the FSA office now and they told me to check the UofM site which I did. Doing that, I see he is not "out of line" as it were. I have no reason to think he was but its always good to know where things are. I don't farm and do not have too many ties to the local area anymore as far as neighbors, etc to talk to. Just about all the old neighbors I knew back when have passed. Hometown is dead so no farm supplies available nearby anymore or know who runs those places in the next town(s). thanks for any ideas. This area on the border of the swampy parts, ha. If not for tile and ditches it would be 1/2 cattails yet.
I own land in Kandiyohi County, my E-mail is in my profile. Send me an E-mail.
Edited by 99MAX 9/5/2024 12:09