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BASS Hybrids- High End Genetics w/o the price tag of GMO
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Posted 9/5/2024 10:24 (#10879397 - in reply to #10879338)
Subject: RE: BASS Hybrids- High End Genetics w/o the price tag of GMO

NE Indiana
I'll just give my last 2 cents and shut up. I've worked in crop research for over a decade at the university level. That 1 row on the left side of the right plot doesn't add up to what you are saying. You couldn't even change it to say both plots had 80 units of N and look how much better ours looks because of that 1 row that clearly shows its pulling nutrients from the plot to its left. I do agree that the 5' space could be helping the outside row of the right plot but it wouldn't be that drastic. It would taper off in 2-3 rows not 1. Also if it was an edge effect from the gap then the front rows without competition should also match that 1 whole row. Do you have any yield data and stand counts from this plot?
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