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Trailer insurance vs machinery insurance odd question
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School Of Hard Knock
Posted 9/5/2024 06:57 (#10879100 - in reply to #10878963)
Subject: RE: Trailer insurance vs machinery insurance odd question

just a tish NE of central ND
Big Ben - 9/4/2024 23:16

If you total that and they give you a check for $38,000, thank them profusely and get a different trailer, even if you have to pay extra out of pocket. Nobody else in the world is going to give you $38k for that trailer. Doesn’t matter if it functions just like a $65k trailer, insurance is to cover your loss, not buy you new stuff when you wreck your junk.

Bottom line is, if the available coverage isn’t worth the price, don’t insure it.
But yet you are paying a premium for the 38,000$ that you insured it for. They take your money and don't tell you any different that they won't pay until you need it to. It's in that fine print no one talks about until you place a claim. But they won't refund the premium for "insure too high of a target" portion they didn't point out earlier either.
Self-insuring with just liability is where it's all going it seems.

Edited by School Of Hard Knock 9/5/2024 07:04
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