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Hyundai - Palisade
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Posted 9/4/2024 11:55 (#10878197 - in reply to #10877902)
Subject: RE: Hyundai - Palisade

deep SW On.
Ed Boysun - 9/4/2024 08:46

phishstik - 9/4/2024 06:40 New vehicles are engineered to hit those warranties then fall apart.

Now, please define "New vehicles" Most 60s and 70s era cars were pretty well worn by 50K. Surely, you aren't pining for the 80s era cars?

Ed , correct 100%...seldom did the '70 vehicles make 100k without major issues or body rusting out...Of course somebody on NAT will say they got 500k miles and only changed oil once and 2 tanks of gas
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