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2025 Crop Budgets
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Posted 9/3/2024 13:13 (#10877130 - in reply to #10877111)
Subject: RE: 2025 Crop Budgets

That depends. If they also have paid for equipment and home and everything else then I'd say they're better off farming it. If not, then I'd say it's a toss up

210 x $4.40/bu = $924/ac. If they have $600/ac putting the crop in and getting it out then they net $324/ac
63 x $10.50/bu = $661.50/ac. If they have $300/ac putting the crop in and getting it out then they net $361.50/ac

That's with todays prices. I think prices will get a little better between now and January personally.

Here's my question to you. If you're considering renting ground, using the numbers I listed out above, would you be very excited to pay $300/ac cash rent to net $24/ac on corn and $61.50/bu on beans? Seems awfully tight.

Yes, I believe markets are going to get better and that you can yield more than 210 and 63, but there are no guarantees, and that's a risk you'd have to be willing to take.
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