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What a (labor) day
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Posted 9/2/2024 20:27 (#10876424 - in reply to #10876368)
Subject: RE: What a (labor) day

Champaign, IL
Spent time this summer getting the Camp road in good shape, using a feeder house chain off of my 9600. Brought my C8 up to Camp this weekend. So annoying, the front tires throw grit into the the air scoops. Brought it up so my good friend Charlie could drive it. Charlie and his wife Christie, were our witnesses to my wedding 27 years ago. Somehow, in the early sixties his Aunt let him have her fuel injected C2 for a summer. It has been awhile since he ran a Corvette, but he thought the Z06 was just fine.
My BIL has a Camp in NE Iron County, MI, about 10 miles west of my Camp. It is considered the Upper Peninsula Central Highlands. It was 32 degrees there this morning.

Edited by Korbel 9/2/2024 20:50

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