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Small square hay value
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Posted 9/2/2024 08:22 (#10875611 - in reply to #10875514)
Subject: RE: Small square hay value

Thumb of Michigan
Depends on a lot of variables (including how 'good' a friend). My 2nd-4th cuttings ss bales are all sold at $10 a bale, from my shed. If he's baling, removing the bales from the field there some of your discount(s). Custome baling is around $1.50 a bale HERE, removing/handling them from field to shed/mow (yours) could be $1 a bale, then taking them backout (if you were in the business of producing/selling ss bales) has a cost, say $0.50 a bale for this example. The total is $3 a bale, so I'd be in the $7 bale starting point, minus the 'good' friend/neighbor discount.

Or you can go the opposite direction, I can buy standing hay HERE (2nd-4th cuttings) at $2.50 a bale. Add the cost of the operations that you are doing.

Naturally, you location/pricing could be much different than mine.
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