NWMO | I’m just going to go out on a limb and say you’re fighting the Nemaha River? If so, you’re not alone in fighting erosion along its banks. Over here towards Rulo, rip rap has been laid to help slow the erosion, it seems to work well but isn’t the cheapest option. It wouldn’t hurt to talk to your local water district/NRCS/neighbors and see what others are doing
Edit: here’s a picture of an eroded spot near falls city. It’s hard to tell from this, but there is large rock all along that northern bank to help slow the erosion from getting to the levy. Those large piece of concrete came off a bridge that was getting a new deck put in and those are the old pieces. Seems to be working over the last few years
Edited by DeereMan97 8/17/2024 15:50
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