| Pvafarm - 8/17/2024 07:45
I'd rather spend money on crap in a jug. It feels like I'm doing something plus I get to run my sprayer across more acres wearing that out*****
I enjoy the claims we repeatedly see from a couple posters about getting x return from whatever testing they do or the buy this because it "works". Sure would be nice to see the data they generate to back up their claims.
Oh BTW, nice video on drill calibration. We've been doing that for 35 years but I like the sock idea. When we haven't had monkeys to hang on a drill catching seed in cups we've used sandwich baggies but the sock looks like the cats a....! Always enjoy your posts.
You're right! We should just trust know it all paid agronomists with 35 years experience stuck with out dated1970's university gobbling gook that have never raised 250 let alone anything higher than that and run around telling all of us how to do it and they know best! I don't get paid, I don't sell anything and if I posted my trial data, people would see what real data looks like and others work bragged about would look rather pathetic!
Take care