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Feedback on products to decompose stalks quicker?
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B Farms
Posted 8/16/2024 09:05 (#10853231 - in reply to #10852851)
Subject: RE: Feedback on products to decompose stalks quicker?

South Central, Minnesota
DK joe - 8/15/2024 21:20

Would love to find a product to help breakdown stalks to no till beans
Haven’t tried anything to date. Most years harvest September 10 to October 1.
Cornhead broke down a few years ago and we cut beans for 2 weeks and you could visually see difference next spring with two weeks extra breakdown. My main focus is breakdown to help ground warm and dry.

Excavator has worked great for my customers. Let me know and I can send you some. Email is good or can give me a call 507.351.8512

Edited by B Farms 8/16/2024 09:06
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