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Red Clover taking over
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junk fun
Posted 7/27/2024 23:23 (#10828991 - in reply to #10827008)
Subject: RE: Red Clover taking over

Cooperator - 7/26/2024 11:12

Alfalfa favors higher pH. Clover favors lower pH.
Birdsfoot trefoil likes it neutral.

You could say lower pH favors clover over alfalfa, but clover sure doesn't favor lower pH. The lime absolutely made that the clover do so well. The clover looks thicker than it is, that's still mostly grass. The red clover is supposed to turn the manure black, but it doesn't hurt anything. Trefoil is often more milk or meat per acre than alfalfa, so you'd be crazy to try to reduce either.
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