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Raven Flow Meter 5 volt only?
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Posted 7/25/2024 06:13 (#10825231)
Subject: Raven Flow Meter 5 volt only?

NE Iowa
I have a terragator with a Viper 4+ that I'm switching the flow meter from the big krone flow meter to a Raven standard 3" flow meter with an impeller in it. The 3" flow meter I have has a tag on it that says 5 volts only, the cable coming from the controller has 12 volts on the black power wire & 5 volts on the signal wire. Do I need to reduce the 12 volt wire down to 5 volts also or is the tag just referring to the signal wire can't have more than 5 volts?? TIA

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(PXL_20240724_203802361 (full).jpg)

Attachments PXL_20240724_203813102 (full).jpg (131KB - 100 downloads)
Attachments PXL_20240724_203802361 (full).jpg (147KB - 100 downloads)
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