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Putting hay up on shares?
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Posted 7/24/2024 09:13 (#10824031 - in reply to #10823567)
Subject: RE: Putting hay up on shares?

Wheelersburg and Lancaster, Ohio
Planting oats to share would require some math to figure a fair share. Here people want me to bale their fescue that hasn’t ever seen fertilizer or lime on shares. I tell them to buy a ton of lime and 400 lbs of fertilizer per acre a year and we’ll talk. I’ve never heard back from anyone I made that offer to.
I have a few neighbors that let me bale their “hay for free. That ground was all so poor when I started baling it that I’m spending as much in lime fertilizer and reseeding as the hay is worth.

Edited by Jdel 7/24/2024 09:16
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