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Bison feedlots
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Posted 7/21/2024 22:18 (#10821034)
Subject: Bison feedlots

North Central Kansas
Went to KC to see our daughter and son in law this weekend. Decided to take the long way home today. We dropped South to Ottawa and then over to Pamona Lake and then over to Strong City. I have been wanting to go to the Tall Grass Prairie Preserve Northwest of Strong City. We stopped and went to the visitor center and toured the buildings. We will go back another day and do some more exploring.

I like to take the path less travelled so we headed down a gravel road off 50 a few miles West of 177. It took us along the creek valley. A few miles North we encountered two feed lots that had bison instead of cattle. The first one looked like bigger animals. The other one looked like weaned bison. I guess i never really thought about how bison were finished. There are a few small bison heard near me but never asked how they feed them. It looked like these were being fed a TMR ration in a bunk. I assumed most bison was natural/grass fed.

A little history on the Tallgrass National Prairie Preserve. History does repeat itself. Large investors once owned a lot of Kansas and I am sure other areas. Those operations broke up over the years and now we are seeing the same thing happening. Large outside investors are buying land. My guess is that they will find out the same thing these earlier people found out that the land while a stable asset may not actually be that profitable to own.

Edited by kstate90 7/22/2024 09:27

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