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Packing on the pounds
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Posted 7/21/2024 20:05 (#10820799 - in reply to #10820092)
Subject: RE: Packing on the pounds

Central Saskatchewan Canada
Cooperator - 7/21/2024 12:02

oakridge - 7/21/2024 07:59

I started custom feeding weaned bottle calves for a few growers that are feed customers of mine. This group is 16 weeks old and eating 12.4 lbs per day of my 16% calf grower feed. They should weigh right near 400 lbs.

A big cattle guy near sold a small herd of heifers to a young couple who were starting out. At the end of the summer, the cattle hardly gained any weight.
I think, like some people, some cattle just don't gain weight, no matter how much they eat. Anyhow, the young couple went broke and had to get jobs.

Or they didn’t know how to buy cattle in the right condition or for the right price. Cattle don’t have to gain weight on grass to make money.
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