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PSA test update
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Posted 7/20/2024 07:44 (#10818614 - in reply to #10818538)
Subject: RE: PSA test update

I had no symptoms when I was diagnosed, some others I talked to were the same way. To say PSA tests are worthless is horrible medical advice in my opnion. Mine would have gone undiagnosed. I was able to deal with mine before it escaped the prostate. I was 54, and I found statistics that in the next 10 years there was xx% chance that it would escape. I dont remember now what that number was, but it was significant. If I was 79 with those numbers I might have done it different. Everyone must make their own decision, but you cant make one if you have no data to base it on.

I dont know if the digital test is worth much. mine was normal size. It may be more if you're having urinary issues and may have BPH or something like that

One high PSA doesnt mean you have cancer, but you should follow up on it. Usually a urologist will have you take a round of antibiotics in case there is a urinary tract infection which can cause a high PSA. 2 or 3 high PSA test should be followed up with MRI and a biopsy.

I have a friend who has high PSA, has had at least 3 biopsys over the last 5 years, And always comes back with 3 cores of Gleason 6. He has been on Active survelience for all this time, and unless it gets worse and goes G 7 or higher will continue to do so based on advice from his doctors. He asked what I thought, and I told him I agreed based on my research (and I did a LOT of it when I was going through it). Not all drs are looking just to do some unneeded treatment for the $$. Gleason 7 or higher seams to be the magic number where you need to consider doing something.

Active survelience means continued PSA tests, and maybe more biopsys if needed. It doesnt mean forget about it and have another PSA test in 5 years

Edited by roadranger82 7/20/2024 08:31
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