Jeffersonville, OH | farmerwalt - 6/10/2024 19:42
My dealer thought maybe that. He knew how to tell it what valve but only after it's calibrated.
Is there a way to tell what valve it has? I tried to select different valve types with different vehicles Fendt only had the 1, generic had 2. I tried the 3 in different with each a different vehicle.
It seems to turn the wheels right and left fine during calibration.
Dealer has a geosteer. I'll see about getting it to try. Might not make a difference.
Maybe your dealer needs to call Ag Leader or take more training?
On a legacy Steer Command the valve type is set during the build of the vehicle profile. If you are not selecting the right valve type then, you can't change it later without building a new profile.
I'll see if I can find you any's pretty simple stuff to figure out, so they don't usually lay it out that far
Edited by c_mayer 6/11/2024 07:24