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sf3 replacement for rtk
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Posted 6/6/2024 13:56 (#10765829)
Subject: sf3 replacement for rtk

my planting tractor on trimble rtk is out of service, and the other tractor I can use for replacement is a JD on SF6000 running SF3...

if I export my RTK boundaries and AB lines from trimble AG software in JD format do the deere tractor and plant on SF3 with 50 cm (20") row planter, would I be able to spray those fields on RTK on the same lines?? will the lines match each other??

actualy my JD is running SF3000 on SF1 for tillage, and a friend of mine will lend me his 6000 on SF3 for this incoming job...

i know SF3 is accurate enough for planting, but I am interested in how will it match with RTK based boundaries and lines??

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