NW Central Iowa (Fort Dodge) | Looking at a new 2140 or 2150s Caseih Planter.
What I am trying to figure out is how easy it is to set up 2 different rates/populations on the planter.
31 or 32 rows
I am wanting to do the following:
rows 1-10, 14-18, 22-32 Pop 37K
Rows 11, 13, 19,21 Population 150% of the 37K, so 55K
Why you ask, every 3rd pass I turn off rows 12 and 20 for tram lines, and currently 11,13,19,21 have roughly 12" spacing for seed, since those rows are next to the trams (30") rows I want to treat them like 30" and get the spacing to 6ish inches.