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Advice for a custom control/switch panel for a sprayer
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Posted 6/5/2024 05:15 (#10763993 - in reply to #10763894)
Subject: RE: Advice for a custom control/switch panel for a sprayer

I bought a John Deere 6000 sprayer a couple years ago. I ripped out all the John Deere plumbing and added a rate controller and a clean water system with a tank rinse system. I welded a plate over where the old control levers were. I then ordered a rocker switch panel bezel from Amazon and mounted that on the plate. Once I had that done. I went to a website called rocker switch pros. They make custom rocker switches. There is a design tool on their website. You type the text you want on the rocker switch and add the switch cover to your cart. Then you can order whatever style of switch body you need to go with it. They laser engrave the switches then send them to you. You just snap the cover on the switch body when it arrives. It looks pretty neat and clean when everything is put together.

(IMG_4397 (full).png)

(IMG_4398 (full).png)

Attachments IMG_4397 (full).png (227KB - 68 downloads)
Attachments IMG_4398 (full).png (153KB - 114 downloads)
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