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Agleader AgFiniti help needed
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Posted 6/4/2024 08:17 (#10762942 - in reply to #10762801)
Subject: RE: Agleader AgFiniti help needed

Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn.
If you ware finished with that operation in that field, I'm not sure why you would suspend it although it doesn't seem like that should be the heart of your problem.

Starting a new field before you are actually "there" can cause confusion at times. Having an accurate boundary for each field is not specifically required but does prevent confusion at times.

I had problems somewhat related with my corn planter in the past without boundaries. If I would be planting at a somewhat distant field and return home for the night or to refill and set the planter down to refill, I got a few GPS flyers from the home place. Without boundaries, the system felt that these few "dots" from the home place should be included within the map so the map was reduced in size considerably to include them. This had nothing to do with Ag Finiti since it didn't exist at that time. I was able to use SMS and circle the offending "dots" and discard them. Then the map returned to the size I expected within SMS.

I was surprised that although the onscreen map seemed to disappear in the planter tractor, auto swath etc. seemed to work fine. The reason was that the map had not disappeared but was so small that I couldn't see it. It was still there so the planter worked properly.

Having boundaries would have helped that situation. There were other ways around it also. Clearing Bounds is a process to inform the system you want it to discard GPS points that are not reasonably close to the field. To do this, you must be within the field in question and then invoke the Clear Bounds procedure. It will then discard "flyer" or oddball points that are obviously not correct. There really isn't a confirmation that this has happened but when you return to your usual operating screens, the maps may be the normal size that you were expecting. Again this must be done within the field in question so the system can accurately decide which points to delete.

Although the above is true, it really doesn't explain why some of your fields seem to be melded together. I only use Ag Finiti Mobile with an iPad and have not experienced this problem.

Edited by tedbear 6/4/2024 08:20
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