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Drone generator
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Posted 6/1/2024 19:32 (#10759742 - in reply to #10755044)
Subject: RE: Drone generator

This thread has prompted me to look into the differences in generators. It seems to me that a traditional, seemingly called "portable" generator generates AC electricity directly and therefore has to operate the generator at a given speed in order to output the correct frequency, (measured in hertz). That's why any portable generator has to run wide open whether it's charging a cell phone or a set of drone batteries. It's not just about load but producing the correct frequency.

On the other hand, an inverter generator makes DC power then transforms it to AC. Since DC doesn't alternate directions there is no frequency to deal with. Therefore, it can operate at variable speeds as required by the load. Think alternator on our vehicles. They produce DC at idle or at highway rpm's.

This explains why an inverter could be quieter than a portable. It wouldn't necessarily have to run at high rpm's to meet the load requirement. However, I question why would an inverter be any quieter than a portable if both were running at or near full generating capacity? Say both engines running at 3500 rpm. I assume most of the noise that we complain about is engine noise and not the generator's contribution. And most likely the two styles are equipped with comparable engines from the same mainstream manufacturers such as Honda, Honda knockoffs, Briggs, Kohler. So, is an inverter really quieter when running near its full capacity?

I ask this question as I may be interested in upgrading my current situation.
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