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Setting up a new InCommand1200
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Posted 5/31/2024 05:49 (#10757630 - in reply to #10757274)
Subject: RE: Setting up a new InCommand1200

Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn.
Yes,, the "setup" file arrangement was designed to make it easy to add another InCommand to your fleet. Ag Leader certainly wants to make this easy for you to so as to increase sales.

Some might wonder about just doing a "Back Up" of your original InCommand "A" and then using it to do a "Restore" to the new InCommand "B". In some situations this would work fine but using the Ag Setup procedure may be more suited for the task.

If one would Backup InCommand "A" (always a good idea to do occasionally), the file will contain all the information on InCommand "A". One purpose for doing this would be to Restore InCommand "A" should its data/setup become corrupted. It is also possible to do the ReStore to a new or different InCommand to be used should the InCommand "A" become damaged for some reason.

When you attempt to do a Restore to an InCommand with a different Serial Number than the original, the system will display a message something to the effect of "this backup appears to be from a different InCommand, do you wish to proceed"? This is a warning so you don't accidently Restore from the wrong InCommand.

If you indicate that you wish to proceed, the information on the new InCommand (if any) will be overwritten by the information from the original InCommand. This may or may not be what you have in mind. In other words, if InCommand "B" has some information on it that is important then it will be lost. If the InCommand "B" contains no setup information such as equipment, fields etc. then this is of no concern.

With the Ag Data Setup file, the information from the Original InCommand "A" is added to the information that was already present on InCommand "B". From then on, the two InCommands would differ due to their individual use.

Besides the setup information for the various vehicles, the Grower, Farm, Field structure is transferred also. This could result in a duplication of names which may or may not actually represent the proper fields. As part of the transfer process using the Ag Data approach you are warned if and when such a situation occurs. The system will ask as to how you wish to handle duplicate names and other conflicts.

Personally I do use the Backup and Restore Procedure. I have one InCommand 1200 that I consider my Master. I use it in the planting tractor for planting, I move it and my one GPS 7500 with a Terra Star Pro C unlock and subscription to the sprayer for spraying and then to the combine for harvesting. This means all setups, data, etc. are on this "Master" InCommand. I do a backup of it periodically which can be used with either of my other two InCommands should the Master Fail. The other two InCommands and GPS 6500's on WAAS can be moved around as needed, In my situation generally only one InCommand is actively being used at any point in time so in some respects, I just use one and move it around.

I may have the rare occasion where the Master InCommand and GPS 7500 are in the combine and I wish to use the planting tractor for additional tillage. I can use a GPS 6500 on WAAS and one of the other two InCommands for steering. Since maps of tillage are generally not important to me, they just become lost in the shuffle.

Edited by tedbear 5/31/2024 05:57
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