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Gleaner R75 vs S77
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Posted 5/30/2024 14:00 (#10756817 - in reply to #10756669)
Subject: RE: Gleaner R75 vs S77

Jeffersonville, OH
Glenn W. - 5/30/2024 12:22

Count or dealer in for keeping the Gleaner line rolling forward. Currently the only brand that can run in our hills without an aftermarket leveling system now over $100,000 in cost and as that widens to $150,000 to $200,000 the Gleaner will assure get a lot more attention from those that want newer combines but don't necessarily need leveling.

Done forget about the Ausies that live their Gleaner combines. I visited several and dealers there last year and they are loyal also and a little upset they can get Ideal combines but not Gleaners. They seem to have word that their Gleaners are going to turn red and say Massey Ferguson on them.

I forget Glenn, who is your dealer, and I'll give them a call and let them know what I'm thinking.

I know Australia had the Gleaners too...I think some in Spain, South America, and maybe even the grin countries of Eastern Europe

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