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Gleaner R75 vs S77
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Posted 5/29/2024 13:54 (#10755707 - in reply to #10755581)
Subject: RE: Gleaner R75 vs S77

Jeffersonville, OH
Kevley - 5/29/2024 12:56

I'm looking at upgrading from an R75 to S77. Has anyone noticed the increase capacity of 30% like they claim? Any issues with the emissions?

My opinion is that it depends on the crop...Corn, maybe not 30%, wheat, I'd say easily 30%. Beans, depends on the beans.

The limit to an S77 is power in some crops, and separation capacity in others. In my opinion, it's also easier to get a cleaner sample with the S series machines.

As far as emissions, we see very few emissions issues on combines...usually a mouse chews the covering off a nox sensor wire, or chews a hole in a DEF line and causes a leak. Very few actual emissions issues in our experience.

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