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vDrive and SpeedTube - Milo rate
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Posted 5/29/2024 12:26 (#10755621)
Subject: vDrive and SpeedTube - Milo rate

Central Nebraska

I finished planting milo last night and cleaned out the planter this morning.  I ended up being below my target rate of 90,000 sds/a by about 7,000 plants.  I'm ok with that.  I realize that milo is not supported for the SpeedTubes but it does work.  To the point......I had one row (3) that gave me fits for the first 150 acres.  It was always registering 10-12k lower than the rest of the rows.  The meter and SpeedTube all checked out so I moved them to different rows (meter to a different row than the SpeedTube.  The problem stayed with row 3.  Is my SRM the problem?

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